Sunday 23 March 2014

Sole Inspired

Growing up as a Hare Krishna with a heavy Indian influence, beauty was always in the detail; Henna, bangles, bindi's and anklets were never in short of the daily garb. The sound of the little twinkling bells on anklets still brings back a childhood wonder and reminds me that we live in a beautiful world.

I've always loved the idea of being a barefoot bride, and with our impending wedding and the discovery of an amazing label 'Forever Soles' it is all just falling into place…. now the hard decision of choosing which amazing design… 

Images: and tumblr

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Mother India - मातृभूमि

India’s astounding diversity of religions, languages, and cultures is unique and unparalleled. The society of vast subcontinent, varied and complex in its rich heritage, is among the oldest in the world. And amongst the most inspiring.