Sunday 29 December 2013

'scintillement éclat'

In the spirit of celebrating New Years Eve 2013/2014 tomorrow night, I'm getting inspiration from all things 'glitter', I'm told it's not going to be a particularly hot night so replacing the 'flesh' with things that sparkle seem like the next best thing (or in my case, where pale flesh ain't so hawt, is always the the 'first' best thing).

Saturday 28 December 2013

noir et blanc


There is something quite fascinating about the female form portrayed in black and white or 'noir et blanc' as the French say. And nothing more inspiring; Food for the Soul - délicieux

Wednesday 4 December 2013

About Me - twin two

One of Two, Two of Nine. Although technically the older twin, being born first and all, I have always felt like the younger, immature, smaller more clumsy one. A drifter through life, following no particular direction, trend or religion just a desire to experience it all and an inner indecisiveness that often leaves me longing for more.

Saci Designs is born from the eclectic mix of life that I find dazzling, inspiring and provoking.

"Transpire to Inspire before you Expire."

This blog is a collection of people, places, labels and things that I love...I hope you enjoy it just as much as I have creating it!
Saci xx
Saci Mata The Label Fashion Design Saci Mata Print Prints